The natural gas industry is a mayor energy supplier to homes, commercial business, and industries, providing nearly one-quarter of all the energy consumed in this country.
Confidence in natural gas as an abundant, clean-burning, and competitively priced fuel continues to grow as our nation looks for a means of enhancing national energy security, reducing air pollution, and improving the country's position in world markets.

Venro is committed to a long-term presence in this strategic energy marketplace, and thus focuses on acquiring and marketing natural gas on a nationwide basis, to distributors and end-users alike.

Customers want a commitment that extends beyond the immediate transaction that extends beyond the immediate transaction to that of long-term service and assured continuity.


Our goal is to provide dependable, reliable, cost-effective, state-of-the-art service to our customer.
By combining experience in the sale and acquisition of natural gas with an aggressive, service-oriented attitude, we have structured a skilled and experienced support staff to assist in the day-to-day activities associated with the natural gas business.
Venro's key growth route has been through recognizing the importance of our continued involvement in natural gas supply and building long-term customer-supplier relationship.

Venro's costumer base includes agricultural and industrial end users, electric generation plants and local distribution companies. One of the Company's goals is to use its current asset base to increase sales, particularly in Mexico and the West Coast. An Expanded marketing program with an emphasis on these regions was implemented in early 1991.

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